
Sunday, March 17, 2019


Not only do I care deeply for people, I have great hope in them… in us.

My heart sits in my throat these days and like many, my emotions are at the ready. A senseless act has happened, in what would would seem a world away, but it isn’t. The world has become very small and I am thankful for this. It has allowed me to connect with many who are interested in the same things that I am interested in. People who care deeply about other people are able to come together for good in this world. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true.

So many lives were taken in #NewZealand this week and I struggle with wrapping my head around the why. I do not want their lives to be for not. And what about the gunman? How does one develop so much hatred for another. In this case, hatred for a group of people.

We must work together to raise the energy of kindness in our own little corners of this world and help to protect and honour each other, through compassion and understanding.  But how?

I am a teacher and it has been my practise and my way, to educate. Through education, we open our minds to a variety of ways of doing and thinking. Education gifts us with a knowledge of the world, for the betterment of the world. That’s what it is all about. We are here on this earth to use our gifts and talents and work with each other for good!

What will I do to help with those who are grieving over the events from last week? I will acknowledge what has happened, remove myself from any negative energy about others and listen.

I will move forward in hope…

~ Ellyn