
Monday, June 1, 2020

Animal City by Kinsley Smith

     In the rainforest hidden very deep on the other side and far away from people is Animal City.
Animal City is a place where all animal people live and it is very peaceful there. Sometimes when you go into the jungle you can hear the laugh or giggle of little animal boys and girls playing hopscotch with each other. Also, there is a summer camp which is run by six different counsellors, their names are: Martha the otter, Hank the grizzly bear, Sarah the chicken, Ralph the hermit crab, Lucky the flying squirrel, and Joey the kangaroo. The counsellors at the summer camp each had a special place where they taught activities. Martha the otter teaches swimming lessons. Hank the grizzly bear teaches rock climbing lessons. Sarah the chicken teaches arts and crafts. Ralph the hermit crab teaches archery. Lucky the flying squirrel teaches obstacle course lessons. Joey the kangaroo leads all the scavenger hunts and games. Altogether the counsellors helped the campers to have a fun summer.

The camp was full of kids over the summer and there was only one more week until Camp
Dinosaur opened. Martha asked the other counsellors if they were ready for the fun to start. Sarah clucked back “of course, of course, of course, of course”. Joey said “woo hoo let’s open this camp!” Hank said in his deep bear voice “let’s open the rock wall again” before he burped on his berries. They all went to tell the campers waiting in line to get their stamps that Camp Dinosaur was OPEN for the entire summer like always.

The first event was the scavenger hunts led by Joey. They started the scavenger hunt in a group
of trees and had to follow a map. While the junior campers followed Joey, they all noticed a black spiral in the sky. One of the campers told Joey what they saw and asked “what is that?” Joey did not answer, he just told the campers to get back into their cabins immediately. Then Joey went to the counsellor meeting room where the other counsellors were at. He told them what he and the campers saw in the sky. All of the counsellors knew what it was. It was Evil Moon Rabbit’s fire ray aimed at Animal City. The counsellors had had this happen before when they were teenagers at the camp, but Super Otter saved them all. What they did not know was that Martha was Super Otter’s secret identity.

While the counsellors were talking about what to do, they heard a thump on the ground. When
they looked out the window, they saw Joey’s daughter stuck in poison ivy near the playground. Joey
jumped up to go help her when Martha saw her secret necklace change color from pink to grey. She knew that she had to go and save Sabrina, Joey’s daughter. Martha told the other counsellors to call Animal City and she ran out the door to save Sabrina. When Martha got to Sabrina the little kangaroo was crying and scared. Martha talked in a gentle voice to Sabrina and she calmed the little girl down. Then Martha used gloves to untangle the poison ivy from Sabrina’s legs and sent her to her dad. Sabrina’s dad rubbed anti-poison ivy cream on her legs so she would feel better and sent her to the arts and crafts room. After she was safe Joey went to see Martha who was looking at the sky.

Martha noticed the spiral was getting bigger every hour. She knew that someone had to stop Evil
Moon Rabbit before it was too late for Animal City. The people from Animal City had sent Evil Moon Rabbit to live on the moon after his last trouble and he was getting revenge. Evil Moon Rabbit could breath the air on the moon and this gave him special powers because it was radioactive. What he did not know was that Super Otter was training to defeat him once and for all. Evil Moon Rabbit put a message in the sky that said ‘I’m getting my revenge! Wait and see Animal City I am coming back! Wahahaha!

When Martha saw this message, she was furious with Evil Moon Rabbit because he had defeated
her the last time before he was kicked out of Animal City. Martha felt her necklace start to change colour. After Martha’s necklace was finished changing colours, Martha ran into the camp change room and changed into Super Otter! Then Super Otter flew to the moon to defeat Evil Moon Rabbit. When she got to the moon, she saw what Evil Moon Rabbit had in his hand; it was the remote for the fire ray! Super Otter dived at Evil Moon Rabbit but he dodged Super Otter’s attack Super Otter dived again and again but she still couldn’t get the remote. I have to get that remote some how Super Otter said to her self. Super Otter thought and thought to her self for what felt like two hours. Just then Super Otter thought of the most brilliant idea she could use her invisibility power! So Super Otter pushed the invisibility button on her Super suit. Evil Moon Rabbit couldn’t see her Super Otter leaped on top of Evil Moon Rabbit and grabbed the remote from his hand and used the remote to aim the fire ray away from Animal City. Super Otter came back to Animal City and brought Evil Moon Rabbit with her and gave him to the police. After she did that, she signed autographs. After she signed autographs, she went back to Camp Dinosaur and got changed. She went to bed where all of the counsellors were and fell fast asleep dreaming all about the next day and all the adventures she will have.

By Kinsley Smith

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