
Friday, October 23, 2020


I am a human being. I make mistakes I am learning and growing and changing... 

I have lived a privileged life as a white, straight, Christian woman with two degrees. I teach in rural Alberta, where the cost of living is lower than average. This does not mean that I haven’t worked hard for the things that I have, nor does it mean that I won’t continue to work hard to reach my goals. 

My privilege has ultimately provided me with the opportunity to be paid to work at something that I love, but lately, I am struggling with disappointment in my work; not my daily work, nor the people I am fortunate to work with, but in the policies from our Minister of Education. While I have limited insight to the complexity of decisions that she must make, I feel as if she has knocked the wind out of me over and over. When Honourable Adriana LaGrange handpicked the people to sit on the new curriculum panel, I was disappointed but also very busy. I only sent off one message to a brilliant colleague suggesting that she work to sit on that panel. Life went on, Covid hit, and the Black Lives Matters movement escalated. My work life was full. I gratefully began to spend my very long days, ensuring that remote learning was as real as possible for the children in my care. I started to self-study, again, about how I could honour all peoples of this world and present these beautiful teachings in an authentic way to my students and... I forgot about the panel; until the leaked document this week. 

Here I sit with the wind knocked out of me yet again, disappointed that our esteemed leader is not leading for good in this province. It is okay for a leader to say, “I made a mistake. I’m sorry. We’re going to change direction on this.” She has stated that the panel is just an advisory panel. If so, then why not look at all of the previous work that has been done? Why spend more time and money, when time and money had already been invested? The considerable amount of work that has been completed on this endeavour could have been expanded upon and honoured. I need help putting these puzzle pieces together and I am willing to listen to all. Please tell me your thoughts on this most important of decisions. 

Are you willing to listen to the people who elected you, Honourable Minister LaGrange? Are you willing to admit this was a mistake? Are you willing to move forward in this province for the good of all people? 

In hopefulness that you will look at this with a genuine heart…

In gratefulness for your service…

~ Ellyn

Ellyn Schaffner

B.Ed. M.Ed.

Kindergarten Teacher/Early Learning Coordinator

Gus Wetter School/Clearview School Division

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